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12th Grade


You're now at your last year of high school, and what a busy year this is going to be!

Fall Semester

  • Standardized tests (if needed): Register and take the ACT, SAT, and/or SAT subject tests if you didn't do so during junior year and the college you are applying to requires it. Be sure you request that your test scores be sent to the schools of your choice.  December is your last chance to take it!
  • Letters of recommendation: Make sure you get those 3-5 letters from your teacher/counselor/coach/administrator/etc. Give them 2-4 weeks to complete your recommendation. Give them each a Brag Sheet about yourself to help them write a very personalized letter to your strengths. Brag Sheets can be found in your Counseling Google Classroom.     
  • College fairs: The College & Career Center will have many colleges and military branches visit during this semester. Be sure to check with the ERHS Career Center's Ms. Esther Lopez for the schedule of when your desired colleges/universities will be on campus. The admissions representatives will usually be on campus during both lunches.
  • Apply to colleges/universities: UC applications open on August 1st and CSU applications open on October 1st. The deadline for both systems is November 30th. Private colleges/universities vary on their deadlines.
  • Meet with your counselor: Talk to them about the colleges you want to apply to and have them help you gather all your applications materials together. Be sure to ask for your transcripts to be sent to your desired schools. We'll have workshops to help you with your college and financial aid applications throughout October and November.
  • Financial aid: The FAFSA application opens in the fall. Start filling out the application as far as you can. You'll need your social security number and your parents'/guardian's tax return information. Please see your counselor if you need assistance. We will have various workshops to help you and your parent/guardian fill out the FAFSA throughout the application window period. Also, start looking out for local and general scholarships! You may even begin to apply to many of them. Local ERHS scholarships open in November are due in February.

Spring Semester

  • Financial aid: Be mindful of the FAFSA deadline. Apply for various scholarships. The ERHS scholarships deadline is in February.
  • Keep up your grades: You're in the last stretch of high school and now you're admitted into a college. Make sure you keep your grades up -- it is possible for the university to revoke your admissions if you fall below a certain grade (e.g. D/F in required courses).
  • College notifications: Colleges/Universities will be start sending out your application decisions. Decide on which college/university you will accept the admissions for. Notify the schools of your decision by May 1st.
  • Complete the paperwork for the college you'll attend: You'll need to schedule orientation sessions, your first semester classes, figure out your housing, and complete other necessary documents. Be sure to complete them all by their deadlines.
  • Send final transcripts: Be sure to request your final official transcripts in May to be sent to your university of choice. Deadlines are typically in June/July. 



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