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Code of Academic Integrity

Code of Academic Integrity

The faculty, students, and administration of Eleanor Roosevelt High School support and abide by the principle that absolute integrity is expected of every student in all academic undertakings. Students must in no way misrepresent their work, fraudulently or unfairly advance their academic status, or be a party to another student’s failure to maintain academic integrity.

1. Students assume responsibility for the content and integrity of the work they submit, such as homework, class work, quizzes, examinations, projects, reports, and research papers.

2. Students will be considered cheating if they:

  • Knowingly represent the work of others as their own. Examples include, but are not limited to, the copying of someone else’s homework, class work, essay or project, and paying for formula papers or reports.
  • Use or obtain unauthorized assistance in any academic work. Examples include, but are not limited to, using “crib” notes or an electronic device capable of storing information, copying another’s test answers, obtaining exam materials, questions or answers prior to the exam, and excessive contribution from others.
  • Give unauthorized assistance to another student. Examples include, but are not limited to, passing “crib” notes, allowing another student to copy homework, class work or tests, and providing others with exam materials, questions or answers before an exam.
  • Alter grades, answers, or other information on any written schoolwork or other school document. Examples include, but are not limited to, giving unearned points to another student, changing answers after work has been graded, changing points after work has been returned, and misrepresenting physical performance.
  • Commit plagiarism. Plagiarism is presenting someone else’s words (spoken or written), ideas, and/or artistic works or thoughts as if they were one’s own. Examples include, but are not limited to, the copying and/or paraphrasing encyclopedia entries, the copying and/or paraphrasing of ideas in Cliff’s, Barron’s or other similar “notes,” the copying and/or paraphrasing of critical sources, the copying and/or paraphrasing of information from Internet sources.

3. Incidents of cheating refer to cheating in any course, during each year, the student attends Eleanor Roosevelt High School.

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