The eSTEM Four Year Plan includes courses that meets both ERHS graduation and a-g (UCs and CSUs) requirements. Students must earn Cs or better in a-g courses in order to meet minimum requirements for the University of California (UC) and California State University (CSU) systems. Students must pass courses with Ds or better in order to meet ERHS graduation requirements.
Students can plan the courses for their next four years with their counselor in a group meeting. This is typically done in April/May of the student's 8th grade year to prepare for high school. The plan drafted is fluid; students can make adjustments throughout their high school years.
All students will decide their pathway as they enter 9th grade. This will determine their 9th grade STEM elective course. Students can choose to enter the medical pathway, the engineering pathway, or our computer science pathway.
Students interested in band and sports may have a modified pathway to accommodate the classes.
The Four Year Plan has been updated for the 2024-25 school year moving forward:
Download the eSTEM Four Year Plan

Download Graduation and A-G College Requirements
UC/CSU A-G Course List